When it reaches a high level of membership in the target population, an organized screening program with a free offer promotes equity of access for all women concerned, both resident and domiciled, regardless of race, religion or affiliation. social stratum. The results of the studies in the Center-North but not in the South therefore constitute a recognition of the value in terms of social significance of organized screening mammogram screening in Sparta, NJ.
The presumed effectiveness of early diagnosis is sometimes reinforced by misleading perceptions: in fact, a test that anticipates the moment of diagnosis, without changing the date or cause of death in any way, will appear effective in the eyes of women even though it is actually completely useless. This perceptual distortion is fueled by the slogan “early diagnosis increases survival without reducing mortality”. Mammography sees a lot but not everything. In addition, 27% of the approximately 260000 cancer diagnoses in our country in 2012, 64000 were carcinomas in situ, of which half would never have become infiltrating carcinomas. Out of a thousand women in their 50s who undergo mammography screening each year for a decade, between 0.3 and 3.2 will escape death from breast cancer, between 490 and 670 women will face a dubious or false positive diagnosis, and between 3 and 14 women will undergo unnecessary treatments for cancers that, if not discovered, would never have developed. In the oncology field, overdiagnosis, i.e. the identification of non-developmental lesions, basically depends on two factors: cases of non-developmental occult lesions and the ever-increasing sensitivity of diagnostic tests that allow their diagnosis, furthermore, screening determines an early diagnosis of the disease in an asymptomatic phase: for some women, this can result in a prolongation of the clinical phase of the disease without corresponding significant changes in its 16 natural history. In other words, anticipating only prolongs the disease, with no benefit in terms of life earned. this can result in a prolongation of the clinical phase of the disease without corresponding significant changes in its natural history. In other words, anticipating only prolongs the disease, with no benefit in terms of life earned. this can result in a prolongation of the clinical phase of the disease without corresponding significant changes in its natural history. In other words, anticipating only prolongs the disease, with no benefit in terms of life earned.